I create maps for a living. Not real-world ones, based on satellite images and survey data, but fictional ones, based on imagination and creativity.
Mostly I do this for ProFantasy Software Ltd., the makers of Campaign Cartographer 3, where I handle the Cartographer’s Annual subscription among other things.
But I also take other commissions. You’ll find examples under the “Maps” category on this website. Feel free to contact me for a quote on your project.
I am looking to broaden my campaign setting, and would love to commission local maps of cities and villages using cc2 Mappa Harnica. Also, I am looking to commission interior maps using the same toolkit as well.
Best regards
Mike Alesia
Hello Mike,
please contact me at ralf@mapsandmore.com with details of what you would like mapped.
Im looking to commission several maps for my campaign, using cc2 Mappa Harnica toolset. A few cities, a dozen villages and several interior maps.
Best regards!
Mike Alesia
Seriously, what has happened to PF’s website. Every page I go to is just a background image
That’s probably your adblocker. Are you using Adblocker Plus or similar? Try disabling it for the Profantasy website.
And it worked. How the blazes would you have know that?!
More importantly, WHY would ADP block such an innocuous site?
Well, either way, thanks a tonne, man, that’s made a big difference!
We’ve had that problem before, you’re not the first. 🙂 Sometimes adblockers are a bit too eager to block stuff.