After doing the front and back cover maps for the Fall of Delta Green, I was happy to get back to this awesome game for “The Borellus Connection” campaign by Gareth Hanrahan (with Ken Hite). It’s available now from Pelgrane Press as a pre-order for the physical book (you get the finished pdf right away).
Combining the Cthulhu Mythos of Delta Green with “French Connection” style crime thrillers, the campaign takes you in a drug-fueled nightmare from the haunted jungles of Laos and Vietnam via the underworld of Marseille to (un-)familiar streets of Baltimore and beyond. Just reading it makes me want to run a GUMSHOE-style game again!
I’ve created several maps for this book, from the big overview maps showing the flow of the heroin trade around the world, to smaller locations within the individual adventures.
For some I was able to re-use the base world maps I had created for the FoDG rulebook, for others I set up a new style in Campaign Cartographer 3+, reproducing military tactical maps of the era. This style is available as part of the Cartographer’s Annual Vol 16 now.

I highly recommend The Borellus Connection as another excellent role-playing campaign from Pelgrane Press, Gareth Hanrahan and Kenneth Hite.